Household cleaning is time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially for single-parent families, who don’t get all the assistance they need to do this. This takes away time that could have been spent with their kids. What better way to save on all the stress than with smart home cleaning technology from GoodPapa.

For too long, single-parent families have been neglected by society. The pain and effort they put into raising their kids are not recognized or acknowledged.

In 2021, GoodPapa will present its products to single families through non-profits that are committed to supporting single parents.

Single parents have always been at forefront of the company’s work because they are much more likely to be poor than married couples. In fact, the poverty rate for single-mother families is nearly five times more than that for married-couple families. Time is their scarce resource but with GoodPapa products, single parents can ease off stressful cleaning work and begin to spend more time with their children.

GoodPapa hopes that this campaign will drive attention to the plight of these families and create a commitment to help. Family living is at the core of GoodPapa’s ideals along with the desire to see a better world. This is why they have donated over 2000 products to Southeast Asia in 2019, 3000 products to non-profit organizations in the Asia Pacific in 2020, and will continue to do so.

Household chaos is a more difficult situation for single-parent families, with parents spending more time on livelihood, and less time on families.  Goodpapa is planning to donate products to these families and let single parents have more time saved and spent for kids.

If you are the relevant NGOs, communities or know which one needs help, please contact Goodpapa via and follow on Facebook at